GEING Ltd Skopje is dedicated company that delivers complete engineering solutions for 30 years
Our company has reached stability and prosperity in 30 years by following vigorously its Principles and Goals. We have developed various engineering skills and knowledge in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction, offering the Clients complete engineering solutions. We are dedicated to ensure the success of the projects.
Our Engineers are professionals with various technical background and thorough approach, giving the project solutions deep meaning
In our departments work more than 150 engineers and technicians with various technical background, expertise and experience, consisting that way the brain of our company. Knowledge that is accumulated in that manner is ensuring the success of the projects. Perception of the engineering problems from different technical angles can ensure extensive and complete solution. This Profound Approach to solving the problems, gives the project deeper meaning.
Working for Clients from all over the world, we maintain the high level of quality and professionalism in all aspects of our work
Our Clients are governmental agencies, international and domestic companies, private investors, international banks and creditors. They invest significant amounts of money in West Balkan region and their attention goes to protecting the investments by securing the success and minimize the risks. Having in mind that we play important role on those projects, our engineers keep high level of professionalism in communication and quality of performed services.
Our Portfolio is impressive. It consists of some of the biggest, most important and complicated projects in region
Working in Architecture, Engineering and Construction industry in Macedonia and the region, our Portfolio has grown impressively. It consist of some of the biggest, most important and complicated projects. Whether is about energy or water supply, soil improvement or roads, millions of inhabitants have direct benefits from those project. We keep forward.